How do you maintain your WordPress websites? Here’s some useful tools to keep your development method and maintenance work flow better.
WordPress Local Tools
A toolkit for WordPress developers who create themes and those who maintain WordPress websites more than a few, and who wish to reduce their daily/monthly repeated works.
With this tool, you can automate the following jobs.
- Installing WordPress websites
- Creating backup of remote WordPress sites
- Starting up coding a theme
Why these tools?
I was doing the same thing all the time, when setting up a WordPress on my local computer. I repeated exactly the same operation when backing up my/clients’ websites, every time there were WordPress/plugins updates my job was needed. I was tired of copy and pasting same file when I start creating a new theme.
A lot of WordPress developers faces this. It’s a common problem. We feel like that you are a WordPress environment setting up machine or just an operator.
Automate things I repeatedly do
I wrote these script to make my workflow better. Now, I work less. Routines must be written down in scripts and be run really easily, sometimes, even run automatically without me opening my terminal window.
These scripts are what I really use in my daily works.
Do what you should do instead
Saving time is good. We can do other things. New plugins, another own project, or cooking better dinner for your kids.
What are they?
WP Backup
This is useful when you create a backup of a project from your remote, and update all on your local machine.
Run in a working WordPress project directory, this script
- creates a folder, `~/Dropbox/Backups/{pwd}/{time}/`,
- dumps local database backup in the foloder,
- pulls WordPress core, themes, plugins, medias, and all the other files from your remote server ( it’s a quick rsync ),
- pulls the remote database and downloads/imports it into local database, and search remote domain name / replace to local domain name,
- logs all the work this script does into `log-{pwd}-{time}.txt` file in the folder in the folder,
- creates a report email body, which you can copy/paste/send to your client.
I like the report email part best 😀
WP init
This will set up a whole new WordPress.
Run in a folder to create a new WordPress project, this script
- downloads the newest WordPress software,
- creates wp-config.php,
- creates database,
- sets WP_DEBUG to true,
- downloads Movefile for Wordmove, wp-cli.local.yml for wp-cli, and .gitignore for Git.
Theme init
Create a gulp environment for your theme development with this comment.
Run in a theme folder, this script
– sets up a theme coding environment, which includes
– sass
– auto prefixer
– browser sync
– sass source map
– serves the site locally
– watch almost all the changes in your theme directory and reloads your browser
How to get started?
`git clone` this repository and make them executable in your machine.
The scripts here requires the following tools.
– [Command line interface for WordPress | WP-CLI](
– [welaika/wordmove: Capistrano for WordPress](
– [Git](