How do you maintain your WordPress websites? Here’s some useful tools to keep your development method and maintenance work flow better. WordPress Local Tools A toolkit for WordPress developers who create themes and those who maintain WordPress websites more than a few, and who wish to reduce their daily/monthly repeated works. ShinichiNishikawa/wp-local-tools With this tool, you can automate the following jobs. Installing WordPress websites Creating backup of remote WordPress sites Starting up coding a theme Why these tools? I was doing the same thing all the time, when setting up a WordPress on my local computer. I repeated exactly the same operation when backing up my/clients’ websites, every time there were WordPress/plugins updates my…
OAuth in WP REST API. How and why.

In this post, I try to describe what OAuth authentication is, how to do it, and why it is needed. This is a translation of a post of mine originally written in Japanese, and based on and following the flow described in a documentation written by @rmccue, the author WP REST API – OAuth 1.0a Server plugin, and the API. OAuth1/ at master · WP-API/OAuth1 · GitHub Paw – The ultimate REST client for Mac: this is the app I’m using to build requests easily. When you find something wrong, I’m happy to get feedbacks as comments or reply to @shinichiN on twitter. Step 0. Getting Client Key and Client Secret from…
I’m a key reviewer now!
One of the biggest recent news for me was that I was assigned to a key reviewer in the Theme Review Team on So, what is Theme Review and a key reviewer? Theme Review Theme review here is the review process which makes sure that all the themes which can be downloaded from WordPress theme repository are well coded, secure and properly licensed. If a theme is in the repository, any user who has a WordPress site can search for them inside their WordPress admin panels and download, activate and change their websites/blogs designs. It’s very important to offer users safe and good themes. WordPress now serves 23% of…
Who created this Theme?
The site you’re seeing now is a WordPress site. Each WordPress site has a theme. A theme is kind of design template and this theme is called Business Identity and was created by Professional Themes and is sold here. This theme is very easy to use and setup. I’ve not done any php to make this site look like this. I know one of the authors of this theme, Philip Arthur Moore and I trust him very much. He is based in Hanoi and he sometimes comes to Bangkok. Currently, I’m trying to make the Japanese version of this site more optimized with the theme when it has Japanese fonts.
Hello world!
So, this is my first blog post on my company site. I’ll be posting here about company, job and product related articles. If you want to read more about me and WordPress, I have a few blogs. Days in Thailand | Just another WordPress blog in Thailand Shinichi Nishikawa’s | How I work, make, study and live. ( Japanese ) Immigration podcast ( Japanese )